
The Male of the Species

What's with all the cycling cartoons? In the early '90s I started drawing these for a monthly newsletter put out by the Century Road Club, a NYC bicycle racing club I belonged to. Personal computers and related equipment were still sort of a new thing, so I had to leave it up to the editor to make low-resolution scans of the drawings. They ended up looking like they'd been carved out of a dried-up potato. In spite of that, the cartoons were kinda popular, so I decided to draw up a new batch of 12 and put them together in a 1994 cycling calendar. This would be my first stab at self-publishing.

How did it do? Well, after subtracting the cost of printing, postage, running ads in some cycling magazines, renting a post office box, and paying a few commissions to relatives who sold boxes of 10 to bicycle shops, I managed to just about break even.
Cat 3 is a common shortening of category 3, a racing designation
halfway between beginner (5) and Olympic competitor (1).