
The Fool and the Swami

A fool was aimlessly wandering one day when he stumbled across the cave of a swami.

“Oh, great swami,” the fool said, approaching the man. “I wish to be a fool no longer. Can you show me how?”

The swami reached into a cloth bag slung over his shoulder and pulled out a small piece of paper. “What you seek is written on this card,” the swami said, handing it to the fool.
“But this is nonsense,” the fool said, looking at the card.

“You must learn to look at things from all angles,” the swami said. “Only then will you gain what you seek.” With that, the swami retreated into his cave.

The fool was baffled by the card. But then he considered what the swami had said about looking at things from all angles. “Huzzah!” he said. “That's it!” 

The fool ran pell-mell down the hill to a small pond at its base. His hands shook as he held the paper over the surface, the water's reflection revealing the swami’s secret:
“MISDOW!” the fool exclaimed, ignoring that the S was backward. “Already I feel wiser for knowing this secret word!" 

And so the fool went through the rest of his days, repeating the word, smug in the thought that he knew of MISDOW.

Should he have been? I think you already know, but: CLICK