ZEP: The Solution

Have you tried to crack the ZEP puzzle and come up short … or gotten nowhere at all?

You're not alone. The puzzle was designed to be especially tricky. In a contest that started when the book was first released, only 12 people/teams submitted correct entries. They had five months to do so.

Many of those solvers took weeks or even months to crack it. By contrast, the first solver, Stephen Williams, sent in a correct answer only 25 hours after the contest started!

Here are the correct solvers: CLICK
And the fabulous prizes they won: CLICK

A SUGGESTION or HINT before looking at the answers

1. SUGGESTION: The first puzzle is much more difficult than the ones that follow it. To get around that, some people went hunting for the hidden puzzles elsewhere in the book, solved one of those, and then worked forward or backward. If you haven't already tried that, it's worth a shot.

2. HINT: A bit of help on how to approach the first puzzle: CLICK

NO! Show me the answers

In the web pages that follow, solutions are given puzzle by puzzle, each on a separate page. That way, you can go back to the book with an answer and try solving from that point on.


ORDER/GET INFO about the book: CLICK